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Training Courses



  • Safety Analysis Technology: Evolution, Revolution and the Drive to Re-Establish Margins by John Luxat, OPG. Seminar presentation, Canadian Nuclear Society, Sheridan Park Branch, Doc#20000301 (pdf 253Kb). Summary: A historical perspective of the evolution of safety analysis technology at OPG is presented below. The key elements of the new safety analysis methodology are then described together with its relationship to other components of Canadian nuclear safety technology. This development is placed in context with similar work being conducted in the international Light Water Reactor (LWR) community.

Training Courses
(OPG has donated all the old operator training courses in the fundamentals area. Look for more of these to appear in the coming months.)
Please view the list of courses to be posted. If you have or know of any older OPG training courses that do not appear on this list , please let us know.


  • Progression Level Designation (as in 1xx, 2xx, 3xx, 4xx):
    • PI = Top level taken by Management and Professionals (PhD's and what not) who are not operators
    • 1 = Top level, not often taken
    • 2 = Second level, taken by SS and CROs
    • 3 = Third level. Documents scarce at this level. Do any exist?
    • 4 = Entry level
  • Concept Level Designation (as in x1x, x2x, ...)
    • 0 = ?
    • 1 = ?
    • 2 = Science Fundamentals
    • 3 = Equipment and System Principles
    • ...
  • Subject Designation (as in xx0, xx1, ...)
    • 0 = General Principles (ie xx0.1, xx0.2)
      • 1 = Mechanical
      • 2 = Electrical
    • 1 = Mathematics
    • 3 = Fluid Mechanics
    • 4 = Chemistry
    • 5 = Heat and Thermodynamics
    • 7 = Nuclear Theory
    • 8 = Materials

General? (1), Management? (0)......eg x10

General? (1), CANDU? (1)......eg x11

Science Fundamentals (2), Mathematics (1) ......eg x21

Science Fundamentals (2), Fluid Mechanics (3) ......eg x23

Science Fundamentals (2), Chemistry (4) ......eg x24

Science Fundamentals (2), Heat and Thermodynamics (5) ......eg x25

Science Fundamentals (2), Nuclear Theory (7) ......eg x27

Science Fundamentals (2), Materials (8)

Equipment and System Principles (3), Equipment Principles (0) (ie x30)

Equipment and System Principles (3), Mechanical Equipment (1) (ie x3x.1)

Equipment and System Principles (3), Electrical Equipment (2) (ie x3x.2)

Equipment and System Principles (3), Reactor Boiler and Auxiliaries (3) (ie x33)

Equipment and System Principles (3), Turbine and Auxiliaries (4) (ie x34)

Equipment and System Principles (3), Electrical Systems (5) (ie x35)

Equipment and System Principles (3), Instrumentation and Control (6) (ie x36)

Radiation Protection Training (R.P.T.)

  • Course #1, Sections 1 to 8, 11. No date.
    • Status: not scanned.
    • Action: to be scanned and posted

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