Nuclear Engineering Concepts
(by W.Garland)
In the following, we look at CANDU from the top down, i.e. starting with the big picture and work our way into the systems and subsystems of CANDU to gain an understanding of how they are designed and why they are designed that way. This is obviously a work in progress that will evolve from a working outline.
- Introduction (pdf 62kb, 8 pages)- covering the following topics:
- The social context - Why we need nuclear power.
- A look at the Nuclear Reactor in a Nutshell - a quick overview to provide some context for the details.
- The engineering approach - CANDUs are engineered systems, typified by functional decomposition and piecewise refinement, which leads to functional requirements.
- The various types of reactors - a quick overview of CANDU vs PWR vs BWR vs ...
- Reactor Type Selection - (pdf 27kb, 5 pages) - The fundamental decision to use natural uranium and heavy water set the CANDU reactor on quite a separate course compared to the PWR design. Some of the key characteristics, such as diffusion length and neutron lifetime, determine key design features such as core size, the use of pressure tube vs pressure vessel, refuelling method, rod worth, possible reactivity insertions under accident conditions, reactivity coefficients of temp and void, and transient response.
- "CANDU origins and Evolution", paper in 5 parts, by Gordon L.Brooks and John S. Foster, CTTD-0003;
- Part 1 of 5 - "An Overview of the Early CANDU Program, Prepared from information provided by John S. Foster", by John S. Foster and Gordon L. Brooks, 2001 February, Doc# 20010301 (pdf 136Kb). Summary: While the name 'CANDU' was not adopted until the 1960's, the CANDU program can be considered to have started in early 1954. At that time, a team, called the Nuclear Power Group, was established to undertake studies intended to identify a potential Canadian nuclear power system. While the team operated under the auspices of AECL and was located in Building 456 at AECL's Chalk River Laboratory, its membership was drawn from a cross-section of Canadian utility and industrial organizations supported, as required, with "nuclear" expertise provided by AECL staff.
- Part 2 of 5 - "Why CANDU", prepared by Gordon L. Brooks, 2001 February, Doc#20010302 (pdf 99Kb). Summary: This monograph is intended to answer, in simple terms, the question of "Why CANDU"; that is, why the CANDU nuclear power reactor is the way it is and why it differs from other commercially developed nuclear power reactors, particularly the light water type of reactors originally developed in the United States and now used in many countries.
- Part 3 of 5 - "Figure of 8", prepared by Gordon L. Brooks, 2001 February, with note added by Daniel Meneley discussing the Darlington and CANDU 9 heat transport system, Doc#20010303 (pdf 115Kb). Summary: This monograph discusses the origins and early evolution of the basic "figure of 8" heat transport system arrangement that has been employed in most CANDU reactors to date.
- Part 4 of 5 - "Emergency Core Cooling System", prepared by Gordon L. Brooks, 2001 February, Doc#20010304, (pdf 40Kb). Summary: This monograph discusses the origins and evolution of the emergency core cooling systems provided for CANDU reactors.
- Part 5 of 5 - "The Origin and Evolution of the Second Shutdown System ", prepared by Gordon L. Brooks, 2001 February, Doc#20010305, (pdf 45Kb). Summary: The historical origins of the second shutdown system, as applied to Bruce-A and all subsequent CANDU reactors, are discussed in two parts. The first deals with the evolution of licensing requirements for a second shutdown system and the second deals with the origins of the fast liquid poison injection system chosen for the second shutdown system.
- Reliability for Management and Professional Staff, Nuclear Training Course PI 21, January 1990 (R-0), 75 pages total - 8 subsections
- Mathematics, OPG Nuclear Training Course 121, July 1981, 200 pages, 5.6 Mb total
- Mathematics, OPG Course 221 Nuclear Training Centre, February 1979-April 1980, 255 pages total - 20 subsections
Reactor Physics
- Reactor Physics Overview Concept Map
- List of Reactor Physics Concepts
- Introduction to Reactor Physics - by B. Rouben, September 2002, AECL
- Reactor Physics Course (pdf 1.4 Mb, 168 pages), CNSC
- Nuclear Theory, Course PI 27, Nuclear Training Centre, January 1990, 176 Pages - 16 Subsections, OPG
- Nuclear Theory, Course 127, Nuclear Training Centre, July 1974, 173 Pages- 21 Subsections, OPG
- Nuclear Theory, Course 227, Nuclear Training Centre, July 1967, 77 Pages - 14 Subsections, OPG
- Nuclear Theory, Course 227, Nuclear Training Centre, August 1980, 209 Pages - 19 Subsections, OPG
- Nuclear Theory, Course 227, Nuclear Training Centre, Revision R-1 August 1992, 220 pages, 10.2 Mb total, OPG
- Nuclear Theory, Course 427, Nuclear Training Centre - July 1990, 116 pages total - 14 Subsections, OPG
- Nuclear Physics and Reactor Theory by Ian Cameron (Course 22106), Chulalongkorn University Lecture Series 1996-1998
- Nuclear Theory I (Statics), or Introduction to Nuclear Technology by R.Chaplin, UNB (Supplementary, Text + Workbook), Chulalongkorn University Lecture Series 1996-1998
- Nuclear Theory II (Kinetics) by John L.Groh (supplementary text and Workbooks), Chulalongkorn University Lecture Series 1996-1998
- Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Kinetics by D. Rozon, École Polytechnique de Montréal (Text + Workbook), Chulalongkorn University Lecture Series 1996-1998
- Reactor Physics & Fuelling Strategies by John Brenciaglia (Text + Workbook), Chulalongkorn University Lecture Series 1996-1998
- Reactor Core Analysis & Fuel Management by D. Rozon & B. Rouben (Text + Workbook), Chulalongkorn University Lecture Series 1996-1998
- Monte Carlo Method for Particle Transport Simulation by E. Hussein (Text + Workbook), Chulalongkorn University Lecture Series 1996-1998
- Neutronic Analysis of Reactors by J. Koclas (Text), Chulalongkorn University Lecture Series 1996-1998
Heat and Thermodynamics
- Thermodynamics - Why we need high temperatures for our heat engine. For water cooled systems, this means high pressure.
- Heat & Thermodynamics Course (pdf 641 Kb, 87 pages), CNSC
- Heat and Thermodynamics, Course PI 25, Nuclear Training Centre - March 1984, 183 pages - 10 Subsections, OPG
- Heat and Thermodynamics, Course 125, Nuclear Training Centre - November 1981, 302 pages - 18 Subsections, OPG
- Heat and Thermodynamics, Course 225, Nuclear Training Centre - April 1988, 229 pages - 9 Subsections, OPG
Chemistry and Corrosion
- List of Corrosion Concepts
- Chemistry, Course PI 24 Nuclear Training Centre - Rolphton, June 1982, 193 pages total - 30 subsections, OPG
- Chemistry, Nuclear Training Course 224, TIMS Ref. 22004, October 1992, 135 pages, 5.4Mb total, OPG
- Corrosion for Engineers by D. Lister (Workbook), Chulalongkorn University
Lecture Series 1996-1998
Electrical, Instrumentation & Control
Generic Design Issues - to come
- Mechanical
- Chemistry and Corrosion
- Metallurgy
- ...
Component Design Details - to come...