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Introduction to CANDU

Introduction to CANDU


How and Why is CANDU designed the way it is by W. Garland, Doc# 20000101

A Nuclear Reactor in a Nutshell by W. Garland

CANDU Origins and Evolution by Gordon L.Brooks and John S. Foster , Doc# 20010301

CANDU - How a Reactor Works (AECL poster), Doc# 20010601

A Reactor Cannot Explode Like a Nuclear Bomb by D. Meneley, Doc# 20000201

A Short History of the CANDU Nuclear Power System by Gordon L. Brooks, Doc# 19930101

Why a Chernobyl-type accident cannot happen in CANDU reactors, Doc# 20010701

The CANDU System: A Canadian Achievement - presentation by Adam McLean, Doc# 20000401

Preservation and Dissemination of CANDU® Technical Knowledge (The CANTEACH Project), Doc# 20031501

Preserving CANDU Technical Knowledge - The CANTEACH Project, Doc# 20031401

CANTEACH Flyer, Doc# 20031601

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