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McMaster Institute for Energy Studies (MIES) Thermalhydraulics for CANDU Reactors
In 1982 and in 1984, the McMaster Institute for Energy Studies (MIES) hosted an intensive short course for scientists and engineers on the topic of Thermalhydraulics for CANDU Reactors. This page contains an archival copy of the course notes.
Course notes - 1982
- Course Introduction, Table of Contents, Glossary (pdf 691kb)
- Chapter 1 - Introduction to Design and Analysis (W.J. Garland) (pdf 1.2Mb)
- Chapter 2 - Introduction to Safety Analysis (V.G. Snell) (pdf 1.3Mb)
- Chapter 3 - Heat and Mass Transfer and Two-Phase Flow I (J.S. Chang) (pdf 644kb)
- Chapter 4 - Heat and Mass Transfer and Two-Phase Flow II (R.L. Judd) (pdf 890kb)
- Chapter 5 - Single and Two-Phase Flow Modeling I (W. Brimley) (pdf 709kb)
- Chapter 6 - Numerical Methods I (B. McDonald) (pdf 281kb)
- Chapter 7 - Single and Two-Phase Flow Modeling II (B. McDonald) (pdf 333kb)
- Chapter 8 - Computational Analysis of Multidimensional Flow (M. Carver) (pdf 798kb)
- Chapter 9 - Numerical Methods II (P.T. Wan) (pdf 647kb)
- Chapter 10 - Process Design I (W.J. Garland) (pdf 1.1Mb)
- Chapter 11 - Operational Considerations (R. Bassermann) (pdf 738kb)
- Chapter 12 - Process Equipment (W. Brimley and D. Meranda) (pdf 1.5Mb)
- Chapter 13 - Process Control (Q.B. Chou) (pdf 1.2Mb)
- Chapter 14 - Chemistry and Materials of Thermalhydraulic Loops (D. Barber pdf 266kb and R. Fleck pdf 959kb)
- Chapter 15 - Safety Analysis I, Thermohydraulics (N. Spinks) (pdf 512kb)
- Chapter 16 - Safety Analysis II, High Temperature Transient Fuel Channel Behaviour (P.D. Thomson et al) (pdf 1.7Mb)
- Chapter 17 - Single and Two-Phase Flow Diagnostics and Monitoring (W. Brimley) (pdf 1.1Mb)
- Chapter 18 - Process Design II (W.J. Garland) (pdf 1.1Mb)
- Chapter 19 - Safety Analysis III, Containment Analysis (D. Pendergast and W.M. Collins) (pdf 1.9Mb)
Course notes - 1984
- Course Introduction, Table of Contents, Glossary (pdf 2.3Mb)
- Chapter 1 - Introduction to Design and Analysis (W.J. Garland) (pdf 1.6Mb)
- Chapter 2 - Process Design I (W.J. Garland) (pdf 1.2Mb)
- Chapter 3 - Introduction to Safety (V.G. Snell) (pdf 1.4Mb)
- Chapter 4 - Introduction to Safety Analysis (N.J. Spinks) (pdf 633kb)
- Chapter 5A - Chemistry of ther Heat Transport System (D. Barber) (pdf 767kb)
- Chapter 5B - Materials in Thermalhydraulics Loop of CANDU Reactors (R.G. Fleck) (pdf 1.2Mb)
- Chapter 6 - Process Control (Q.B. Chou) (pdf 1.5Mb)
- Chapter 7 - Operational Considerations (R. Bassermann) (pdf 786kb)
- Chapter 8 - Process Equipment (J.M.D. Nickerson) (pdf 2.3Mb)
- Chapter 9 - Flow Diagnostics and Monitoring (W.J. Brimley and J.S. Chang) (pdf 1.3Mb)
- Chapter 10 - Basic Equations (W.J. Garland) (pdf 616kb)
- Chapter 11 - Heat Transfer and Flow Phenomena I (J.S. Chang) (pdf 702kb)
- Chapter 12A - Heat and Mass Transfer and Two-Phase Flow II (R.L. Judd) (pdf 1.1Mb)
- Chapter 12B - Heat and Mass Transfer and Two-Phase Flow II (D.C. Groeneveld) (pdf 1.2Mb)
- Chapter 13A - Numerical Methods - Fundamentals (P.T. Wan) (pdf 308kb)
- Chapter 13B - Development and Application of Thermalhydraulic Computer Codes (M.B. Carver) (pdf 562kb)
- Chapter 14 - Design verification (G.W. Jackson and W.J.Garland) (pdf 1.1Mb)
- Chapter 15 - Flow Stability in the CANDU Primary Heat transport System (P. Gulshani and N.J. Spinks) (pdf 1.4Mb)
- Chapter 16 - Safety Analysis
- CANDU Loss of Coolant Accident Analysis (V. Snell) (pdf 1.6Mb)
- Containment (D.R. Pendergast and W.M. Collins) (pdf 1.8Mb)
- Fuel and Fuel Channel Behaviour (E. Kohn) (pdf 662kb)