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Introduction to CANDU

Instrumentation, Control and Electrical Concepts

Drafted by Mike MacBeth

    1. Introduction to IC&E for CANDU NPP
      • High level CANDU Plant Block Diagram with parameters noted
      • Discuss operational states and changes in parameters
      • Outline the need for the provision of key indicators and automatic control capability
      • Some simple loop concepts showing the need for Instrumentation, Control and Electrical devices
    2. CANDU NPP Regulation and Protection Concepts
      • Introduce Safety Concepts related to I&C, margins, maintenance thresholds
      • Introduce Reliability, Redundancy, Grouping & Separation, Testing.
      • Introduce Regulation Applications - Plant Control
      • Sample Regulation Systems
      • Introduce Protective Applications - Plant Protection
      • Sample Protection Systems
      • Introduce Post Accident Management System (PAMS)
    3. Fundamentals of CANDU NPP Instrumentation
      • Introduce key CANDU NPP Instrumentation measurement applications
    4. CANDU NPP Instrumentation Equipment and Components
      • Overview of Generic CANDU NPP Instrumentation Equipment and Components
    5. CANDU NPP GSI Oriented Instrumentation Equipment and Components Applications
      • Specific examples of CANDU NPP Instrumentation Equipment and Components installations and intended functions
    6. CANDU NPP Man-Machine Interface Concepts
      • CANDU NPP Information Presentation Strategies
      • Main Control Room, Secondary Control Area and Local Panel Indicators and Annunciators
      • Human Factors Engineering Concepts, Error Catching and Error Mitigation
      • Post Accident Management
    7. Fundamentals of CANDU NPP Electrical
      • Electrical Grouping and Channelization
      • In-Plant Electrical Power Distribution
      • External Grid Connection, Ring Bus and Unit System Service Transformer
      • Automatic Electrical Transfer Concepts
      • Emergency Electrical Transfer Concepts
    8. CANDU NPP Electrical Grouping, Classes of Power and Grounding Practices
      • Functional Grouping
      • Classes of Power and Rationale
      • Station Electrical Grounding Practices
    9. CANDU NPP Electrical Distribution and Transfers
      • Typical Station Electrical Bus distribution and loads, by Class
      • Transfer logic goals
      • Standby Generator function, logic and loading
    10. CANDU NPP Electrical Equipment and Components
      • Generic CANDU Electrical Equipment & Components organized by Voltage and Function
    11. CANDU NPP GSI Oriented Electrical Equipment and Components Applications
      • Specific examples of CANDU NPP Electrical Equipment and Components installations and intended functions organized by GSI
    12. CANDU NPP Electrical Support for I&C including Distribution and Qualification
      • Class II and Class I Power Review
      • Power Supply Lists, Fusing and Generic I&C Loops
      • Testing of Power Supply Integrity for Odd/Even
      • Sample GSI applications
    13. Fundamentals of CANDU NPP Control
      • CANDU Plant Operating Modes (Normal, Alternate)
      • Define Manual, Automatic, Supervisory and Semi-Automatic Modes
      • Control Transfer Strategies and Requirements
    14. CANDU NPP Control Equipment and Components
      • Generic Loop Equipment and Components Required for Control Applications
    15. Generic Control Strategies and Approaches
      • Introduce concept of Negative Feedback Control
      • Control Modes (PI&D) - function and general application
      • Further Control Concepts (Feedforward, cascade)
    16. Overview of CANDU NPP Control Techniques
      • General Control Strategies for sample Key systems
      • Typical Generic CANDU Loop examples
    17. CANDU NPP GSI Oriented Control Applications
      • GSI Specific Control loops and Strategies for Key CANDU systems with a review of Control Program rules
      • Overall Plant Control loops and Strategies
    18. CANDU NPP I&C Commissioning Concepts
      • General I&C Commissioning Considerations
      • Key system commissioning goals and concerns
    19. CANDU NPP Start-up and Approach to Critical I&C Interfaces and Operational Concerns
      • Special I&C Requirements
      • Start-up Instrumentation and Range Overlap
      • Interfacing System Requirements
      • A start-up Scenario
    20. CANDU NPP Power-up Maneuvers I&C Interfaces and Operational Concerns
      • Review Interfacing of Key Systems and expected performance
      • Key indicators and Transfers
      • A power-up example
    21. CANDU NPP Trips, Upsets and Shutdown I&C Interfaces and Operational Concerns
      • Review of expected unit disturbances like Reactor Trip, Setback, Stepback and Turbine Trip
      • Role of I&C in maintaining stable control of unit during these events
      • Specific CANDU NPP examples of integrated I&C systems and expected process responses.
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