Reactor Physics Concepts
Drafted by Bill Garland
- Basics / Phenomena level
- Nuclear structure [C1.1]
- N, A, Z
- Isotopes
- Mass
- Mass defect and binding energy
- Nuclear energy levels
- Radioactivity
- half-life
- becquerel
- activity / activation buildup
- Basic definitions [EP4D3] [C1.7] [C1.3]
- r, , E, t
- Neutron density, n [C1.1]
- Flux, [AECL-TTM1] [C1.1]
- Current, J [AECL-TTM1] [C1.1]
- Microscopic cross section, [C1.1]
- E dependence [RMC511]
- Macroscopic cross section, [C1.1]
- E dependence [RMC511]
- Conservation of energy [AECL-TTM1]
- Equivalence of mass and energy [C1.1]
- Chemical vs nuclear
- Nuclear interactions [EP4D3] [AECL-TTM1] [C1.1] [C1.3]
- Absorption
- Fission
- fission products [AECL-TTM1] [C1.1]
- energy release [C1.1]
- power and fuel consumption [C1.1]
- capture
- = c / f [RMC511]
- Scattering
- elastic [C1.1]
- inelastic [C1.1]
- Types [AECL-TTM1]
- (n,2n), (n,2n), nu [RMC511] [C1.1]
- (n, gamma) [C1.1]
- (n, alpha) [C1.1]
- (gamma, n) photoneutrons [C1.1]
- Interaction rate
- magnitudes and statistical fluctuations [C1.7]
- effective cross section [RMC511]
- reaction rate = [RMC511] [C1.1]
- Delayed neutrons and Precursors [C1.7]
- Neutron spectra
- prompt [C1.7] [C1.1]
- delayed [C1.7]
- Maxwellian [C1.1]
- 1/E [C1.1]
- Westcott convention [RMC511]
- Neutron energy cycle [RMC511]
- Moderation process and moderator properties [C1.1]
- Neutron balance [EP4D3] [C1.7] [C1.1]
- Variation with lattice pitch [C1.1]
- Chain reactions [EP4D3]
- Multiplication, k, rho
- Four / six factor formula [RMC511] [C1.1]
- Geometry effects [C1.1]
- intro to leakage
- Fick's law
- critical shape
- flux distributions
- homogeneous / heterogeneous
- flux flattening
- reflector
- Critical mass [AECL-TTM1] [C1.1]
- Need for control [AECL-TTM1]
- Decay heat [C1.1]
- Modelling level
- General neutron balance [C1.3]
- Generic mass / particle balance equation [C1.7]
- Boltzmann transport equation [C1.7]
- General precursor balance equation [C1.7]
- Energy Partitioning [C1.7]
- Age theory [RMC511]
- Multigroup definition [C1.3]
- Condensation [C1.3]
- Transport approximations
- PL theory
- Diffusion approximation (P1) [EP4D3]
- Derivation of Fick's Law
- Validity
- Matrix form of the Diffusion equations [C1.7] [C1.3]
- Spatial mesh [C1.7]
- Core
- Cell
- Boundary and Initial conditions [C1.7]
- Edges
- Interfaces
- Numerical methods [C1.7]
- Finite differences [EP4D3]
- BC and IC treatment [EP4D3]
- Explicit vs implicit [EP4D3]
- Convergence
- Consistency
- Stability
- Truncation error
- Statics
- One speed neutrons - fixed sources [EP4D3] [C1.7]
- Spectral radius
- LU decomposition
- Gaussian elimination
- Jacobi
- Gause-Seidel
- Successive Over-Relaxation (SOR)
- 1-D reactor [EP4D3] [C1.7]
- Criticality search / eigenvalues [C1.3]
- Multigroup [EP4D3] [C1.7]
- Numerical criticality [EP4D3] [C1.7]
- Power method
- Cell calculations [EP4D3] [C1.7]
- Adjoint flux [C1.3]
- Perturbation theory [C1.3]
- Space-Time Kinetics [C1.7]
- Separation of variables [C1.3]
- Point kinetics [EP4D3] [C1.3]
- descriptive and simple equations [C1.1] [C1.2]
- analytical soln
- prompt jump [C1.1] [C1.2]
- prompt criticality [C1.1] [C1.2]
- inverse method [C1.3]
- reactor trips [C1.1] [C1.2]
- neutron source effects [C1.1] [C1.2]
- numerical integration
- Adiabatic
- Quasi-static
- Synthesis
- Modal expansion
- Space-time synthesis
- Nodal method of Avery
- Direct methods
- Finite differences
- Exponential transforms
- Computer Codes
- Nuclear data
- Cell codes
- Supercell codes [AECL-TTM1]
- Core codes
- CERBRUS (IQS) [C1.5]
- SMOKIN (Modal) [C1.5]
- 3DDT
- Fuel Management
- RFSP [C1.5]
- Monte Carlo
- Plant optimization
- Component level
- Depletion [EP4D3]
- Fuel reaction chains [RMC511] [AECL-TTM1]
- U235, P239, P240, P241, P242, U238, fission products [C1.1]
- Burnup (MW h / kg) [AECL-TTM1] [C1.1]
- Burnup equations
- Fluence [RMC511]
- Fission yields [RMC511]
- General solution [RMC511]
- Calculations [RMC511]
- Reactivity change [C1.1]
- Burnup
- Poison [EP4D3] [C1.1]
- Cross sections [RMC511]
- Equations
- Burnable [RMC511]
- Non-burnable [RMC511]
- Reactivity worth
- Xenon oscillations
- Flux tilt
- Dynamics / Coupled Neutronics-Thermalhydraulics [C1.5]
- Feedback [EP4D3]
- Heat transfer [EP4D3]
- Thermalhydraulics [EP4D3]
- Temperature effects [C1.1] [C1.2]
- Doppler
- Spectrum effects [C1.1] [C1.2]
- Coolant effects [C1.1] [C1.2]
- Void
- Density
- Moderator effects
- Geometry effects
- Creep
- Sag
- Codes and code methodology
- Power and power measurement [C1.1] [C1.2]
- Thermal vs neutron power
- Decay heat
- Photoneutrons
- Detectors and instrumentation
- General intro
- Reactions used
- Thermal
- boron
- fission
- self-powered
- Applications
- Flux mapping
- Common problems
- Systems level
- Operational control
- Approach to criticality [C1.1] [C1.2]
- Systems
- Basic characteristics of CANDU lattice [AECL-TTM1]
- typical burnup
- Core design [C1.4]
- fuel [AECL-TTM1]
- pressure tube concept [AECL-TTM1]
- moderator [AECL-TTM1]
- calandria
- reactivity devices [AECL-TTM1]
- liquid zone control [AECL-TTM1] [C1.1] [C1.2]
- mechanical control absorbers [AECL-TTM1] [C1.1] [C1.2]
- adjuster rods [AECL-TTM1] [C1.1] [C1.2]
- booster rods [C1.1] [C1.2]
- moderator level [C1.1]
- detector systems [AECL-TTM1]
- flux mapping [AECL-TTM1]
- void reactivity [AECL-TTM1]
- Methodology for r/p analysis [C1.4]
- Initial fuel loading [C1.4]
- Commissioning [C1.4]
- Safety systems
- SDS1
- SDS2
- moderator dump [C1.1]
- moderator poison [AECL-TTM1] [C1.1]
- MNR [EP4D3]
- Fuel Management (CANDU) [C1.5] [AECL-TTM1]
- Objectives [RMC511] [C1.1]
- Tools
- Core assumptions
- Equilibrium [RMC511] [C1.1]
- Fresh [RMC511] [C1.1]
- k [AECL-TTM1]
- Radial flattening [AECL-TTM1]
- Channel power cycle [AECL-TTM1]
- Simulations
- Strategies and effects [RMC511]
- Core tracking
- Channel peaking factor [AECL-TTM1]
- Bidirectional fueling and axial distribution [C1.1]
- Fuelling machine
- On-power refuelling [RMC511] [AECL-TTM1]
- Xenon effects [AECL-TTM1]
- Cobalt production
- Fuel cycle costs [RMC511]
- Fuel inventory [RMC511]
- TUEC [RMC511]
- CANDU Safety Analysis [C1.5]
- Feedback mechanisms
- DBAs
- Reactor physics
- Thermalhydraulics
- Coupled r/p - t/h
- A Reactor Cannot Explode Like a Nuclear Bomb (pdf 145kb)
- SLOWPOKE safety analysis [C1.5]
- LOCA analysis
- Reactor model - point kinetics
- Feedback models
- Thermalhydraulic model
- Simulation
C1.1 Chulalongkorn - Module 1.1, Nuclear Theory, same as OPG Science Fundamentals 22106 by Ian Cameron, July 1997 (R-1) given by Chaplin. This is an update to the older OH course 227. OH 227 contains a section on radioactive buildup which is not in OPG 22107. OPG 22106 contains a section on Detectors and Instrumentation which is not in OH 227.
C1.2 Chulalongkorn - Module 1.2, Nuclear Physics and Reactor Theory Supplementary Text by John Groh.
C1.3 Chulalongkorn - Module 1.3, Reactor Kinetics by Daniel Rozon.
C1.4 Chulalongkorn - Module 1.4, Reactor Physics and Fuelling Strategies, TDAI 244 (1980) by Pasanan, given by Brenciaglia.
C1.5 Chulalongkorn - Module 1.5, Reactor Core Analysis and Fuel Management, Rozon and Rouben.
C1.7 Chulalongkorn - Module 1.7, Neutronic Analysis of Reactors by Jean Koclas.
EP4D3 McMaster - Engineering Physics 4D3, Nuclear Reactor Analysis, a 4th year reactor physics course based on Duderstatd and Hamilton given by Bill Garland.
RMC511? Royal Military College - Nuclear Engineering 511, Nuclear Fuel Engineering, a graduate course by Hugues Bonin.
AECL-TTM1 AECL Technical Training Material - Reactor Physics by Ben Rouben, February 2000.