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Introduction to CANDU

Individual Contributions

Dyke, John M.
Jennekens, Jon
Meneley, D.A.
Voss, James T.

  • Communicating About Nuclear Issues: Nuclear Power Plants by Jon Jennekens, presented April 8, 2004 at the CNA Communications Workshop at Darlington site (pdf 811Kb, 38 pages, Doc#20041501)

  • Radiation Monitoring Notebook by James T. Voss, revised February 2001 (pdf 187Kb, 101 pages), Doc#20041901

  • Fast Reactor Kinetics - The QXI Code by D.A. Meneley, K.O. Ott, and E.S. Wiener, March 1971 (pdf 7.6 Mb, 104 pages), Doc#20070101
  • Nuclear Safety & Reliability Course by D.A. Meneley, Revision 1, October 2003 (12 weekly modules, 165 pages total)
    • Download the complete package (13 files, 8.2 Mb)
    • Week 1 (294Kb, 17 pages)
      Radioactivity and the Fission Products
      Accident Initiating Mechanisms
      Experience with Failure Trends
      Prevention of Fission Product Release from Fuel
      Mitigation of Consequences
    • Week 2 (461Kb, 8 pages)
      Public Perceptions
      Opposition to Nuclear Energy, Causes
      Nuclear industry reaction
      A non-hazard: Power reactors can't blow up like bombs
      The question of probabilities
    • Week 3 (379Kb, 10 pages)
      Introduction to Risk Analysis
      Laws of Probability
      The Bayes Equation
      Probability Distribution Functions
      Probability Concepts for Failure Analysis
      Probability Distributions
      Data Manipulation, Failure Data
    • Week 4 (335Kb, 6 pages)
      Reliability of Simple Systems
      CANDU Shutdown Systems
      Reliability and Availability of Systems With Repair
    • Week 5 (667Kb, 9 pages)
      Construction and Evaluation of Fault Trees
      Simple Fault Tree Examples
      Common Cause Failures
      Darlington Probabilistic Safety Evaluation
    • Week 6 (637Kb, 12 pages)
      Event Tree Analysis
      Event Tree Example
      Boolean Reduction of Event Tree
    • Week 7 (930Kb, 18 pages)
      Technical Aspects of Plant Safety
      Accident Conditions
    • Week 8 (1.94Kb, 27 pages)
      Loss of Primary Coolant Analysis
    • Week 9 (2.12Kb, 29 pages)
      Space - Time Power Transient
      Fuel and Fuel Channel Behavior
      Containment Response
      Radioactivity Release from Containment
    • Week 10 (434Kb, 7 pages)
      Radioactive Materials Dispersion In The Environment
      Calculation of Expected Radiation Doses Following an Accident
      Emergency Planning
    • Week 11 (477Kb, 17 pages)
      Safety Goals
      Economics of Safety
      The safety management system
    • Week 12 (353Kb, 5 pages)
      Comparison of Risks
      Risk-Benefit Assessments
      Risk Acceptance

  • Nuclear Steam Generators by John M. Dyke
    "Without prejudice - The information I have written in these pages is what I remember of events that happened between 1954 to 1980 and beyond, compiled in 2000 to date. Even so, memory is very fragile. If anyone challenges the validity of the information it will not be disputed.  It should be discussed by interested engineers to improve the facts, and analysed to arrive at better conclusions and improve the boiler designs.  It is written to help those who follow in the nuclear boiler design field"...John M. Dyke 9/2005

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