MNRSIM: A Research and Training Model of the McMaster Nuclear Reactor
User Manual
Thermal Hydraulics Loop 1
The primary thermal hydraulics loop models the fluid flow between the pool
and the hold up tank. Most of the valves are operational, the pump can be
turned on and off, and the pool and HUT tank levels can be altered by
dragging the water levels up and down.
Each time a control is changed the steady state pressures and flow rates
are recomputed. To watch the model run click on the SIM button in the
upper right corner. The SIM button will change to a PAUSE button while
the simulation is running.
Under the schematic there is a simple process graph which shows the main
modules which are related to the current module. This can be thought of
as a submenu. The core heat transfer module is started from the process
graph for the thermal hydraulics loop.
Core Heat Transfer Module
This window allows the user to examine the heat profiles that are generated
in individual plates. Since this can be a very demanding calculation at the
bottom of the screen several approximations are available. The plate
approximation computes the heat distribution for a single fuel plate,
the assembly approximation calculates all of the plates in the hottest
assembly, and the core approximation computes heat profiles for each
assembly in the core. The core approximation is largely redundant at this
point, but we plan to allow the flow rates for each channel in each
assembly to be modified.
The graph to the right of the panel shows the temperature distribution
of the fluid. To change either the Z divisions or the X divisions the
timeline must be reset to zero. The vertical slider selects the cross
section depth to be used in the fuel plate temperature distribution.
Since the module is computationally demanding it can be unlinked from
the main simulation by unchecking the HTS1-Link box. With this box unchecked
the user can run this module with the SIM button without starting up
the thermal hydraulic simulation. Likewise if the HTS1-Link button is unchecked
starting the thermal hydraulic simulation will not invoke the heat transfer