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[Phase]: Design Process Documents

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11 files

    1996---------Jump to [Top] [Organization] [Concept] [SI] [Discipline] [Topic] [Phase] [Audience]
  1. Reactor Thermalhydraulics Design, Course 2.1, by W.J. Garland, Chulalongkorn University, 01/02/1996. Doc type: Course.
    Summary: This course is concerned with the thennalhydraulic design of the process systems that are required to transport heat energy away from the nuclear reactor source and transform this heat energy into useful work (generally electrical energy).
    Keywords: [Concept] Thermalhydraulics [SI] 33100 Main Heat Transport System [Discipline] Nuclear Engineering [Topic] Basic Equations Important Parameters Process Systems Thermalhydraulics [Phase] Concept Design Design Analysis Design Evolution Design Process [Audience] Engineer Ugrad
    - Title and Table of Contents 20043701.pdf (170 kb)
    - Foreword and Glossary 20043702.pdf (74 kb)
    - Chapter 1 - Introduction 20043703.pdf (130 kb)
    - Chapter 2 - Design Requirements and Engineering Considerations 20043704.pdf (1189 kb)
    - Chapter 3 - Heat Transport System Thermalhydrauilics 20043705.pdf (447 kb)
    - Chapter 4 - Thermodynamics 20043706.pdf (309 kb)
    - Chapter 5 - Fuel Coolant Heat Transfer 20043707.pdf (245 kb)
    - Chapter 6 - Control 20043708.pdf (313 kb)
    - Chapter 7 - The Design Process 20043709.pdf (419 kb)
    - Chapter 8 - Process Design and Optimization 20043710.pdf (441 kb)
    - Appendix 1 - Comparison of Bruce A, B, & Darlington 20043711.pdf (223 kb)
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